Sets of documents revealing the cultural connections between Brazil, France, Portugal and England.



Affonso d´Escragnolle Taunay and History as building materials of national identity

Kelly Keiko Koti Dias - Mestranda em História – IFCH – UNICAMP


The beginning of the 20th century was notably a time of cultural, political, social and artistic processes that contributed for the construction of a Brazilian identity and national memory. History and literature played an important role in the identification of the so-called “Brazility”, that is, the creation of bonds that united Brazilians throughout the country. Among all these processes, the historian Affonso d’Escragnolle Taunay (1876-1958) was a major actor who sought to emphasize the importance of the state of São Paulo in the history of the nation’s constitution as such (BREFE, 2005). More



Different moments of Mallarmé’s readings in Brazil

Leonardo Saraiva Guerreiro - Master’s student of Literary History and Theory – IEL – UNICAMP


Asserting that a poetic text allows varied interpretations is not exactly novelty, but when it comes to the work of Stéphane Mallarmé, this concept takes on a singular proportion. Throughout the 20th century, his poems were used as reading platforms that have identified him with the most diverse aesthetics. In Brazil, the course of this poet’s reception, who was often stigmatized as difficult, transits between associations with Parnasianism, Symbolism and Concretism. More



Sources for studying publishing in Brazil: contracts and receipts of the publisher B. L. Garnier

Lúcia Granja - UNESP-FAPESP-CNPq


The past makes itself present in a variety of ways, ranging from investigating documents, telling narratives, to conducting circumstantial research. In the realm of Brazilian books, it is especially necessary to make use of several methods, since the history of publishers and publications is fragmentary, showing up in the remains of contracts, catalogues, receipts, bills, invoices, among other documents exchanged between publishers, vendors, authors and readers (or others dealing in bulk). More
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A literature for children: Countess of Ségur

Priscila Kaufmann Corrêa - Doctoral student in Education – FE - UNICAMP


In Brazilian schools of the 19th century until the early 20th century, French was taught as the foreign language of the educated elite. In many schools, boys and girls were encouraged to speak only French, having also access to French publications. Among such works were included the books of the Bibliothèque Rose (Pink Library), a collection that was consolidated by the stories of the Countess of Ségur from 1856 on. More



Booksellers' Catalogs: new perspectives for literary studies

Valéria Cristina Bezerra - Posdoctoral fellow - UNESP-FAPESP


Books released today have an efficient marketing system able to reach hundreds, thousands and even millions of people in just a few minutes. Authors, who are in constant contact with readers on social networks, present their most recent creations on their profiles, which soon come to be known by their followers and many other web surfers through successive sharing. Publishers benefit from this kind of publicity, yet they do not stop doing their work and turn to different ways of promoting their products. More
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Alexandre Dumas’s Novels in Brazil

Valéria Cristina Bezerra - Doctoral Student of Literary Theory and History – IEL – Unicamp


Alexandre Dumas, popular novelist in the 19th century, is still quite fascinating for current readers and spectators. His novels are part of different publishers’ catalogues, both in original and adapted editions, so as to suit the interests of dilettanti or school readers. The languages also vary, with versions to graphic novels and, above all, cinematographic versions. However, the writer’s prestige among his audience was never quite the same as among critics and historiographers of his or more current times. More